Saturday, February 5, 2011

Prepping the bed for paint

Now that the final coat of primer has been applied, the bed is lightly sanded and then wax and grease is rubbed onto the metal, followed by sealant, then a red ground coat. After that is the mid coat which is where the magic happens.. The mid coat has the candy / pearl color which gives the truck its sparkle. After the mid coat, 2 layers of clear coat is applied, then lightly sanded again and another layer of mid coat is then applied followed by 3 more layers of clear coat! Thats a lot of paint huh!

This is the bed after it was sanded.. Its now ready for wax and grease to remove any dust and debris from the metal.

Here Eric is applying the Prep-sol to prepare the metal for the ground coat.

Red ground coat has now been applied to the truck..

Next up.. Some sweet candy apple red pictures of the bed!

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